

Feng Shui In The Classroom
October 15, 2019

Feng Shui In The Classroom

For as many hours as teachers and students spend in classrooms, it helps to be in an atmosphere that allows for the most creative learning environment. These helpful tips are sure to help you get the most out of the space that you have, as well as create a fun and organized classroom. Feng Shui for Kindergarten Classrooms Display books. Lots of books create an…

Golden Boat Feng Shui
August 31, 2019

Golden Boat Feng Shui

Question: I saw a wooden ship used as a feng shui cure for money and was wondering if it is a good cure to use in my home. Is the wealth ship a good feng shui money cure if I am using the modern school of feng shui? Or, is it used only with Chinese feng shui? Answer: The use of feng shui cures is not limited by a specific feng shui school. The only criteria for…

Feng Shui Chelmsford Menu
May 23, 2019

Feng Shui Chelmsford Menu

We provide a personal on-site visit and Feng Shui consultation for your home or business anywhere in the UK, Europe or worldwide. Over the last sixteen years we have worked with every type of home, office, shops, shopping centers, hospitals, care homes, restaurants, factories and many other business-related buildings, some straight forward and many that are extremely…

Health Area Feng Shui
March 19, 2019

Health Area Feng Shui

The feng shui element of the Health and Family bagua area is Wood, so the cures you will bring have to be either of the Wood element or of the element that nourishes it (Water feng shui element nourishes Wood and Earth feng shui element strengthens it). The life area connected to the East bagua area - or the mid-left area if you are using the BTB bagua - of your…

Feng Shui Tips for Beautiful
February 27, 2019

Feng Shui Tips for Beautiful

Feng shui principles can be applied to your makeup, skincare, and hair to ensure you appear your best and you are ready to attract positive chi energy into your life. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there is a lot you can do to emphasize and play on your best features. #1 Apply Makeup Facing Auspicious Direction Feng Shui guru Lillian Too advises that…

International Feng Shui Guild
February 12, 2019

International Feng Shui Guild

Earn certification from the International Feng Shui School, a leading Feng Shui School and a Gold Level School with the International Feng Shui Guild. If you feel called to experience the positive transformation that Feng Shui ignites, you are in the perfect place at the perfect time. In joining our training program, either in-person or online, you will learn…

Turtle Feng Shui
December 29, 2018

Turtle Feng Shui

The dragon turtle cure is very popular in classical, or traditional feng shui schools. You can find it in most feng shui shops, as well as in any Chinatown. From small souvenirs in cheap metal finish material to beautifully carved jade statues, the dragon turtles cure is one of those strange things always associated with feng shui. What makes the dragon turtles…

Feng Shui Protection
November 9, 2018

Feng Shui Protection

Feng Shui Protection Article by Craig Hamilton-Parker. Feng Shui is about much more than interior design. It has a spiritual dimension. Feng Shui Protection is sometimes used by ghost hunters and psychics as a means for spiritual protection, generating positive energy and clearance of negative energy. We’ve discussed how certain environments lift your spirits…

Feng Shui Headboards
August 21, 2018

Feng Shui Headboards

The bed is a critical piece your ability to be rested and supported as you sleep, and indeed, your life. When the headboard of your bed is compromised, it will create problems for you in your life in your relationships, health and difficulties with money, and even getting proper rest. Many beds simply don’t have a headboard at all, and this gives the sleeper…

How to Cleanse Feng Shui Items?
August 16, 2018

How to Cleanse Feng Shui Items?

As feng shui is all about good energy (Sheng Chi), it is important to know how to keep your feng shui cures active and full of energy. Of course, it goes without saying that you also have to keep the energy of your home (or office) fresh and clear, too! In case of any space, be it home or office, it is advised to do regular space clearing sessions, be it weekly…

What Feng Shui Means?
July 16, 2018

What Feng Shui Means?

The Feng Shui definition for clutter is “postponed decisions and the inability to move forward. That means what you accumulate, where you put it, and why you keep it says a lot about you. We all have to deal with some amount of clutter, but according to Feng Shui principles, extreme clutter holds you back and keeps you from making progress. One of the basic…

Feng Shui Furniture Placement
May 27, 2018

Feng Shui Furniture Placement

Free Feng Shui Tips Feng Shui Decorating and Design Tips: Feng Shui Furniture Jami Lin, an interior designer with more than 30 years experience, says NO ugly or weird Feng Shui! Your most important pieces of furniture are your bed, desk, stove, and any other furniture you spend considerable time. Make sure your most important furniture is facing one of your best…

Bad Feng Shui plants
March 23, 2018

Bad Feng Shui plants

The role of plants flowers and fruits in Feng Shui is very strong. A well-placed plant can change your family fortunes and harmonise your life. Read on. The power of plants and flowers in your home Plants are auspicious from the point of feng shui. It is always good to grow plants in the house, especially wooded plants. Plants in the office also bring about increased…

Feng Shui Mongolia
February 1, 2018

Feng Shui Mongolia

Mongolia’s presidential election – scheduled for June 26, with campaigning opening today – is set to be a three way tussle between a self-styled horse breeder, a judoka, and a practitioner of feng shui, the Chinese art of creating harmony between man and nature. The winner will be charged with implementing Mongolia’s $5.5 billion, just-finalized bailout package…

Jade plant Feng Shui where to Place
January 7, 2018

Jade plant Feng Shui where to Place

Feng Shui Tips for Wealth By Sam Stevens The first thing that you need to do is get yourself a good compass and determine what is in the southeastern corner of your home. The Southeastern sector of your home governs both your cash flow as well as your faith in the idea that you will always be able to create money. According to the classic and traditional rules…

Feng Shui for Apartment Layout
October 18, 2017

Feng Shui for Apartment Layout

In Feng Shui, as in life, certain factors or areas must take priority over others. For Feng Shui, the three most important areas of a home or apartment are: - the main door - the kitchen - the bedroom If positive energy (chi) collects outside and flows into these spaces, you’ll bring money and opportunities into your life. If these areas are affected by a lack…

Feng Shui Home Address
September 13, 2017

Feng Shui Home Address

And then there is the ugly one, the much feared and avoided number 4 feng shui myth; most feng shui enthusiasts are convinced this number is very bad feng shui. So, let’s start with a very practical, clear and common sense approach (which is actually the only approach that leads to lasting and life changing results with feng shui). How can a number be bad feng…

Feng Shui love and Marriage
September 9, 2017

Feng Shui love and Marriage

The feng shui element of the Southwest bagua area is Earth, so the cures you will bring into your home have to be either of the Earth element or the element that nourishes it (Fire feng shui element nourishes Earth). The life area connected to the Southwest bagua area of your home is called Love Relationships & Marriage. It is recommended to always express…

Feng Shui Crystals and Stones
September 5, 2017

Feng Shui Crystals and Stones

Since prehistoric times, humans have been attracted to gemstones for their beauty, as well as their powers of attraction, energy, healing and protection. In various cultures throughout time, numerous gemstones have been believed to bring their wearers many powers, such as the power of protection, as well as healing and success. Create a Keepsake Combine Lab Alexandrite…

Sleeping Buddha Feng Shui
August 20, 2017

Sleeping Buddha Feng Shui

The image of Buddha seems to be literally popping up all over the place! Due to increased popularity in Feng Shui and yoga, more homes and businesses are now displaying the Enlighted One. Do you desire to develop inner qualities of peace, beauty, and harmony? If so, welcoming Buddha in your living space can help you attain them. Even just displaying a simple…

Feng Shui plants for Wealth
July 20, 2017

Feng Shui plants for Wealth

You have been working really hard, but somehow wealth has been evading you. You feel frustrated about not being able to save up enough despite the hours you put in everyday. Those grand holiday plans keep getting postponed month on month because there still isn’t enough in the bank to fund the trip. 3. Lucky Bamboo The petite structure of the Lucky Bamboo with…

Office Feng Shui TIPS
July 16, 2017

Office Feng Shui TIPS

Being stuck in an office can be the pits, but learn about the 13 do’s and taboos of feng shui office design and you can feel like you’re working in nature. DO sit in the corner farthest from the entrance to the room to have a “command” position. DON’T sit in line with the door, as you will be in the path of negative energy. DO keep your back toward a corner or…

Main Entrance Feng Shui
July 8, 2017

Main Entrance Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, main door or entrance is given very high degree of importance and that’s because it’s the main door from where the Qi energy enters into your home. Now, I’m sure that you’re aware of the problems that very fast or extremely slow moving Qi and misbalance of 5 elements (and colors) can lead to and that’s why its extremely important that you feng shui…

Waving Cat Feng Shui
September 7, 2016

Waving Cat Feng Shui

Lucky cats are traditional Asian items which represent good fortune and protection. Those who have lucky cats in their homes or working spaces will have their protection as well as the wealth benefits they attract. You can place lucky cats at any environment where you wish wealth to come. Most of the times, there are two lucky cats represented together, one of…