Golden boat with eight immortals feng shui lucky wealth chinese

Golden Boat Feng Shui

Symbols / August 31, 2019

Question:I saw a wooden ship used as a feng shui cure for money and was wondering if it is a good cure to use in my home. Is the wealth ship a good feng shui money cure if I am using the modern school of feng shui? Or, is it used only with Chinese feng shui?

Answer: The use of feng shui cures is not limited by a specific feng shui school. The only criteria for choosing a good feng shui cure is your connection to it, meaning how much a specific cure speaks to you of the energy you want to bring in.

If you see a beautiful feng shui cure for money that is usually used by traditional Chinese feng shui practitioners, sure go for it, no matter which feng shui school you use in your home or office.

The wealth ship is a popular traditional feng shui money cure because, unlike other Chinese feng shui money cures, such as the three-legged toad or the Chinese coins, the wealth ship looks great in any space and with any decor.

You can use any model of a wooden boat for your wealth ship feng shui money cure, the more it speaks to you of the energy of incoming abundance, the better. As this feng shui cure is a symbolic representation of wealth, there are no strict feng shui guidelines other than your strong connection to its look and feel.

The symbolic meaning of the wealth ship is the energy of abundance arriving into your port, so to speak. Traditionally, the wealth ship is loaded with many popular feng shui wealth symbols, such as golden ingots, Chinese coins, red envelopes with money, various crystals, and other cures.

Place your wealth ship where it looks good and works best according to your home or office decor. The are several ways to decide on the ideal placement of your feng shui wealth ship. The best location will be based on your home decor, your taste, as well as the following feng shui guidelines.

Here are 3 best feng shui areas to display your wealth ship:

1. The feng shui money area of your home or office

2. The annual location of the feng shui wealth star

3. In your lucky money and success feng shui direction

It is also best if you can position your feng shui wealth ship so that its front points towards the inner part of the home, and not away from it. Basically, you want the energy of abundance to come into your house (and your life) and not leave it.
