Chinese billionaire pays $13m for home in Sydney harbourside

Feng Shui Home Address

Symbols / September 13, 2017

feng shui house humbersAnd then there is the ugly one, the much feared and avoided number 4 feng shui myth; most feng shui enthusiasts are convinced this number is very bad feng shui.

So, let’s start with a very practical, clear and common sense approach (which is actually the only approach that leads to lasting and life changing results with feng shui).

How can a number be bad feng shui?

Did you ever get sick from a number or lost a loved one over a number?

Apart from your mind feeding you stories (which often have nothing to do with the actual energy of what you are looking at) numbers, just like any other things – crystals, plants, colors, etc – carry specific energy, or vibration.

This energy has very clear characteristics, it has a language of its own, so by approaching the feng shui of house numbers (or any numbers!) with a curious, not fearful mind, you will be amazed at how much info is revealed to you with something as simple as numbers.

Of course, simple is a relative term, as there is a whole fascinating field of numerology that takes the study of numbers to deep and quite powerful levels.

Each number has an obvious meaning, such as 2 for togetherness, for example. Each number also has a more hidden meaning, so to speak, or a specific energy it evokes by itself or in combination with other numbers.

What does this mean to you and how can you practically apply the info in your life?

Number 4.

Number 4 is a sacred number. Well, everything is sacred, but for the sake of resurrecting the undeserved reputation of this number, I’ll call it sacred!

We have the 4 corners of the earth/the 4 main directions. We have 4 seasons. A structure is not rooted long term unless it has at least 4 points of touch with the ground.

How come then the bad feng shui reputation of number 4? Simple.

In Cantonese, the pronunciation for number 4 is the same as the pronunciation for death. Not very pleasant stuff, indeed, to repeat many times daily!

Unless you speak Cantonese, though, the bad feng shui of number 4 is just not true.

Do you see?

Of course, if you are a realtor or have selling a house with number 4 in its address (and many of your potential buyers are of Chinese origin), you will be sensitive to this culturally specific meaning and do your best to address it.

How is this done?

I know some people change the address to eliminate number 4, and some real estate developers avoid numbers 4 or 13 in the elevators of their high rise buildings.

A typical feng shui cure to deal with the number 4 in a house address is to enclose the number in a red circle (be sure this looks visually appropriate in the context of your house and neighbourhood).

Now, the actual energy of number 4, being very grounding, is the energy that will bring you many lessons on exactly that – how to really get grounded and develop strong roots.

Trust me, this is not just theoretical, I have actual experience with several number 4s in my house address and I know these were the main lessons the house taught me – how to slow down and get really, really grounded and centered. As a result of this energy I’ve grown a very successful business, so number 4 has sure brought me many blessings!

When you see number 4 by itself or in combination with other numbers (especially at the end of the number, such as 504, for example), know that the main energy this number will bring you is a very grounding energy.

It will feel constricting and restricting at times for sure, but the results will be worth it. In this specific case – number 504 – the ultimate number is 9 (5+0+4=9), which is the highest energy number.

Ok, now that the number 4 is resurrected, let’s briefly go number by number.

Number 1.

The energy of new beginnings, freshness, an open and unobstructed flow.

Number 2.

Partnership, balance, cooperation, beginning of stability.

Number 3.

Family, creative self-expression, rapid expansion.

See the beginning of article.

Number 5.

Radical transformation and change, adventure.

Number 6.

Patience, care, practicality.

Number 7.

Self-contemplation, personal growth, sometimes solitude.

Number 8.

Infinitely abundant energy, never ending flow, blessings.

Number 9.

Achieving the highest accomplishment, contentment in success, gratitude.

Number 0.

Void, nothingness, the beginning and ending of all things.

All other numbers – starting with 9 – are a combination of these main numbers. To connect to the energy of a specific number, let’s say a potential house number, look at the meaning of each number separately, their arrangement (the first, the middle and the end number), as well as the overall characteristic of the main number (defined by adding all numbers).
