

Bedroom plants Feng Shui
September 9, 2022

Bedroom plants Feng Shui

The topic of plants in the bedroom and whether they are good feng shui or bad feng shui is hotly debated. Conventional wisdom comes down on the side of plants in the bedroom are bad feng sui. One of the bedroom s main purposes is sleep (the other is romance). Plants affect how you sleep, which makes them unsuitable for feng shui and the bedroom. Plants have a…

Feng Shui for Mirrors
September 7, 2022

Feng Shui for Mirrors

According to Greek mythology, a river with a very reflective surface got Narcissus, the handsome son of a god and a nymph, into a lot of trouble. He fell in love with his own looks, and lost the will to eat and survive. He adored himself to death, and narcissism was born (sounds like a story out of Hollywood, or maybe from the pool of your exes?). His tale might…

Lapis lazuli Feng Shui
September 7, 2022

Lapis lazuli Feng Shui

The use of lapis lazuli goes back to ancient times. This beautiful stone has been a favorite of both mystics, as well as royal families. Why would lapis lazuli be the choice for those who have external power, as well as those who focus on its internal counterpart? Among the many properties ascribed to lapis lazuli are the energy of deep calm and a strong connection…

Feng Shui for Master Bedroom
September 6, 2022

Feng Shui for Master Bedroom

Feng Shui considers your bedroom, and especially your bed, to be the most important place in your home. It’s where you live your innermost life – resting, dreaming, romancing. But the Master Bedroom often gets shortchanged, becoming an afterthought or a haven for clutter because it’s in the back of your home or otherwise “out of sight.” Here are five steps you…

Feng Shui Dragon Statue
September 6, 2022

Feng Shui Dragon Statue

Money Crystal Set Set includes one mini 20 mm crystal, one 30 mm and the jumbo 40 mm Money crystal. Each glows in emerald green and throws bright green lights on your walls, ceilings and floors attracting energy for wealth, money and prosperity. Comes gift bagged with instructions. Bead decorations vary. (Click on picture to enlarge). SALE Get 2 Sets of Money…

Water in Bedroom Feng Shui
September 6, 2022

Water in Bedroom Feng Shui

Here are some of the basic ways to erotically charge your bedroom with sex positive energy by using the guidelines of feng shui. First of all remove all clutter so positive energy can flow throughout the room. Clutter blocks the flow of ch i. You should also remove anything reminding you of past lovers. Photos, love letters, presents and gifts, anything that…

Feng Shui Hong Kong Master
September 5, 2022

Feng Shui Hong Kong Master

Louisa Cheung (Yunwenzi) Photo courtesy of Louisa Cheung Growing up in a religious family with a father who sells crystals, Louisa Cheung — also known as Yunwenzi or Master Cloud — started her spiritual practice with her guru when she was just 10 years old. She always knew she was going to grow up and pursue this path, and only studied finance at the University…

Elephant in Feng Shui
August 31, 2022

Elephant in Feng Shui

Almost all traditional cultures lived their lives with great respect for the four cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west. In, the study of the four directions and how they influence one’s health and environment is called The basics are simple—north (a northern wind) is cold, south (southern exposure) is hot, east (the rising sun) is energizing and…

Fish Tank in Bedroom Feng Shui
August 30, 2022

Fish Tank in Bedroom Feng Shui

An aquarium can be one of the best things you do to create good Feng Shui in your home or office. Therefore, when you bring an aquarium into your home or office, it’s essential to set it up properly so that it can bring its benefits most fully into your life. Set up your aquarium using Feng Shui as your guide, and discover how it feels to tap its positive, powerful…

New Year Feng Shui Rituals
August 29, 2022

New Year Feng Shui Rituals

Celebrate the Chinese New Year -called Guo-Nian- with fun festivities by welcoming a fresh start with these New Years good luck tips. Use these tips to help you to make it an even more auspicious time. Tips to Ring In a Lucky New Year For thousands of years, the Chinese New Year celebration has marked the beginning of a fresh new start as the year begins. With…

Feng Shui Southwest Corner
August 29, 2022

Feng Shui Southwest Corner

Activating a feng shui cure in your home can remedy specific issues you face in various areas of your life, such as career, health, wealth, love, and family. Some cures are made out of the specific element you need to add to a room, so you get the benefit of a symbol and its element. Some feng shui practitioners also use color as a cure, but color cannot activate…

El Feng Shui
August 29, 2022

El Feng Shui

Alina Cruz Alina’s love affair with Feng Shui is rooted deeply in the energy work that she has been offering for the last fifteen years. As a Reiki practitioner and yoga teacher she helps others to balance their personal energy in order to achieve a healthy, whole, contented state of being. When Alina was introduced to Feng Shui she realized that it was the missing…

Traditional Feng Shui Bagua
August 26, 2022

Traditional Feng Shui Bagua

Question: I am totally confused about the feng shui bagua. If I apply the Western bagua, my career is at the main door, and if I apply the traditional feng shui bagua, then my career is in the bathroom! Why there are two different feng shui baguas? Which bagua works better? The other way of defining the feng shui bagua is the BTB bagua, also called the Western…

Feng Shui Entrance mirror
August 26, 2022

Feng Shui Entrance mirror

Which Entryway do you like best? Photo 1 Photo: Google Image Photo 2 Photo: Google Images Photo 3 Photo: House Beautiful Now, here’s the wonderful part. Despite their differences in style, color and texture, each of these entryways illustrates a feng shui tip that you can use. Fans of this Chinese design philosophy believe that you’ll invite positive energy into…

How to Decorate Feng Shui?
August 25, 2022

How to Decorate Feng Shui?

By Nancy Uon for viewzone Ask yourself Is there a favorite room or spot in your home to which everyone seems to gravitate? What about an area that looked promising when you took the space, but turned out to be unused or uncomfortable to be in? Also Is your business prospering, or is money going out, not coming in? These situations, which I encounter frequently…

Western School of Feng Shui
August 23, 2022

Western School of Feng Shui

Traditional, or Classical Feng Shui Schools Black Sect Tantric Buddhism School (BTB) Intuitive/Modern School of Feng Shui. Let s look briefly at each one of these schools. 1. The traditional, or classical feng shui schools wisdom is based on the Form, or Landscape school, as well as the Compass school. The Form, or Landscape feng shui school examines the shapes…

Feng Shui West Group
August 23, 2022

Feng Shui West Group

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that utilizes certain specific laws to balance the different energies of life to help a person do better. Kua numbers are an important aspect of Feng Shui and its knowledge is effectively used to improve lives. Kua numbers are determined using one s birth date and gender. This term is pronounced as Gua in Chinese. A…

Salt LAMP Feng Shui
August 23, 2022

Salt LAMP Feng Shui

Beautiful Himalayan salt lamps provide gentle warmth and balanced energy in the practice of feng shui. Himalayan crystal salt is a famed natural ionizer and an excellent feng shui cure for good energy (and good air!) in your home. When the heat of the burning candle or the lamp warms the salt, the Himalayan salt lamp releases much needed negative ions into the…

Use of peacock feathers in Feng Shui
August 23, 2022

Use of peacock feathers in Feng Shui

Frank Krahmer/Getty Images Bird symbols, just like flower symbols, have an intrinsic universal energy that does not need translation. Humans looked at birds since times immemorial for the feeling of inspiration, freedom, and a longing for being united with the divine. The ability to fly and soar high up in the sky is closely associated in feng shui with the ability…

Feng Shui Mirrors in the Bedroom
August 18, 2022

Feng Shui Mirrors in the Bedroom

At first glance, feng shui, the art of arranging our living spaces, may seem to have little to do with alternative medicine. But feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that is based on many of the same principles as alternative therapies such as acupuncture or qi gong. Instead of maximizing the movement of qi (energy or life force) in the body, feng shui…

Feng Shui Beginners Guide
August 17, 2022

Feng Shui Beginners Guide

Welcome feng shui beginners! You will find enough free information on this website to get off of automatic and take charge of your life now. Take a few moments to review the valuable information on this website so that you can be sure to get the positive results you desire. You may even want to read how I have applied feng shui successfully in my life. Word of…

Cactus in office Feng Shui
August 16, 2022

Cactus in office Feng Shui

The office is an overwhelming crush of stress for many people. What steps can you take with your personal area to make it more relaxing and encouraging the flow of positive energy? Feng shui (rendered as 風水 in traditional Chinese and 风水 in simplified Chinese) at home makes for a more relaxing and productive domestic environment. At home, you have control over…

Boogie Woogie Feng Shui
August 16, 2022

Boogie Woogie Feng Shui

Boogie Woogie Feng ShuiBugi Ugi Funshei (ブギ・ウギ・フンシェイ) Session 21 Previous Session Pierrot Le Fou Next Session Cowboy Funk Boogie Woogie Feng Shui is the twenty-first session, or episode, of Cowboy Bebop. In order of appearance: Jet meifa faye spike ed pao Jet is on Mars to track down his old associate, Pao Pu-Zi who had recently sent him a message that just…

Three Legged Frog Feng Shui
August 12, 2022

Three Legged Frog Feng Shui

How to use and when to use (or not) the Feng Shui Three Legged Frog or Three Legged Toad. You will find instructions near the bottom of this article but please read below before you make a decision. If you search online for “three legged frog” you get over 700 K results. Obviously, there is a lot of interest in this Feng Shui cure. This is not surprising, given…