Feng Shui 4 U - Feng Shui Home

Japanese Feng Shui Home

Symbols / September 21, 2021

What is Chi and why do you need to have it? And not only Chi but good Chi? And what makes a good Chi flow in any space? Well, Chi is the word for Universal energy that everything around us is composed of, so this can be easy to understand. And good Chi is good energy in all its forms - from the healing scents in one's home to your lover's beautiful smile.

With all the emphasis on good Chi for good feng shui, it is really important to understand what makes good energy in any space, how the good energy circulates in any given space, as well as get into the habit of regularly checking the energy flow in your home.

It is especially important to be sure you are creating a good flow of Chi whenever you are redecorating, renovating, or just want to reposition the existing furniture for better feng shui.

OK, so how do you check the flow of Chi, or Universal energy in your home?

And what is a good Chi flow?

One of the basic ways to check the energy flow in your home is to imagine Chi, or energy, as water. If water were to flow into your home - starting at the main door - where would it stop or stagnate?

Would the water flow harmoniously and smoothly to all areas of your home, gently refreshing it, or would it rush right out the back door in a forceful motion? For example, when you have big objects or specific home design elements in a straight line, the energy will flow more quickly and forcefully, which is generally considered bad feng shui.

This is true not only for the outside of one's home but for the inside, too.

So the first thing to watch for in checking the energy flow in your home is the presence of long, straight lines that create a harsh quality of energy. More often than not, they will contribute to a considerable leakage of energy, as well as an unfriendly, cold feeling in a home.

This is especially true if you have an opening, such as a door or a big window - at the end of the straight line.

The second thing to watch for is having blocked areas in your home, meaning areas where the energy just get drained, sucked in or pushed back. Stay with the image of water flowing into your space and ask yourself: "Would water encounter many blockages as soon as it enters my home?"

This can happen when you have a wall facing (and in very close proximity to) the front door, for example. In feng shui we call them blocking walls. This can also happen when you arrange the furniture in a way that blocks the energy from flowing smoothly into the room.

Other feng shui scenarios that can contribute to either the leakage or the blocking of a good Chi flow in your home are as follows:

(Click on the links above for feng shui tips to improve the flow of Chi if you have any of these features in your home).

Be sure to position your furniture in a way that allows for a smooth flow to all areas of your home and avoid any blockages and stagnant areas, such as cluttered closets, for example, as they tend to create bad feng shui energy (Si Chi).

Source: www.thespruce.com