Bedroom Feng Shui –

Bedroom Feng Shui love

Bedroom / November 13, 2017

Whether you are looking for a new relationship or want to rev up your existing one, here are some of my favorite Feng Shui tips for romance that can help. Most of these tips involve changes in your bedroom, which should be reserved for "rest and romance" only.First, remove everything from your bedroom that could keep you from focusing on love. That includes clutter, dirty clothes, and the cat’s litter box. Another one of my favorite Feng Shui tips for romance is to place objects in pairs in the bedroom, such as candles, hearts, or a vase with two equal size flowers. Hang artwork in your bedroom that has romantic or paired themes, like two chairs facing the sunset or even a picture of two giraffes with their necks intertwined.

Next, be sure to remove all photographs of your children, parents, and pets from your bedroom. After all, do you really want them “watching” you in bed? Instead, display a current photo of you and your spouse/partner doing something fun or romantic. If you aren’t in a relationship right now, display an image that represents how it will feel when you find that special someone. Then, place a pair of night tables in your bedroom, because for couples this encourages equality in your relationship, and for singles it invites a partner into your bedroom.

If you are divorced, separated, or recently ended a relationship, get rid of the bed and mattress from a previous relationship, because when you sleep on them you sleep with the negative energy from your former lover. Replace any furniture that has any unpleasant associations with past relationships, and be sure to get rid of things that remind you of a past lover, including your ex’s photo, old sweater, or gifts.

If you are single, clear some room in your closet and hang several empty hangers to show you are ready to share your space with someone special. Clear out some space in your medicine cabinet or on a shelf in your bathroom so a partner has room to fill in the empty space with toiletries, and make room in the pantry and refrigerator for a partner's favorite foods. Remove artwork from your bedroom that shows a solitary or lonely scene, and replace it with images of a happy couple to make you more receptive to a relationship.

If your love life has gone stale, treat yourself to luxurious new bedding to freshen your relationship and encourage your spouse or partner to linger in bed with you. "Think pink" if you want to add passion to your love life, and sleep on pink sheets to increase the hot, yang energy and enhance feelings of love and romance. Another Feng Shui tip for romance is to be sure you have the right size bed for your relationship. If the bed is too big, partners can drift apart, and if it is too small, they can feel limited in the relationship.

In regard to colors, another of my favorite Feng Shui tips for romance is to paint your walls a “skin-tone” color like ivory, beige, rose, brown, or chocolate. It's best to avoid painting your bedroom lavender because this is considered the color of chastity, which may be great for your teenager’s room, but not for adults. Add red accessories to your bedroom in shades of scarlet, crimson, and burgundy to activate the Fire Element and ignite your love life.

Avoid placing your bed against two walls where one partner is symbolically trapped in the corner, and consequently, feels trapped in the relationship. Instead, locate your bed so there is equal space on either side, giving both partners equal room to enjoy the relationship. Remove the extra pillows and stuffed animals from your bed because they send the message that you have no room for anyone else to join you.

And one of the most important Feng Shui tips for romance is to be sure you remove any work-related items from your bedroom so you can focus on your partner. This includes your computer, iPhone, work papers, and anything that distracts you from romance.
