Sleep Your Way to Wealth -- 6 Tips for Feng Shui Bed Placement

Feng Shui Placement of Beds

Feng Shui For Beds / February 21, 2018

A bed placed under the window and items placed under the bed run counter to good feng shui.A bed placed under the window and items placed under the bed run counter to good feng shui.

Your bedroom is a sanctuary to which you repair every night to refresh and recharge. But feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of placement and arrangement, highlights some of the pitfalls that can leave you tossing, turning and sleepless, or drained of energy in the morning. Where you position your bed is critical to the energy flow in the room, as are many other factors, including electronic devices. Keep those out of the bedroom if you want a good night's sleep.

Geopathic Stress

Feng shui considers geopathic stress lines, room, window and door positions and kua numbers when determining the ideal placement for a bed. Geopathic stress lines are crisscrossed networks of energy pathways caused by fault lines in the earth and underground water channels. Believed to interfere with the free flow of chi energy, the lines have a negative effect on health. Specially trained dowsers can find any geopathic stress lines that may affect your home, and you can implement feng shui shields or remedies to blunt their impact. It's best to avoid placing a bed over a geopathic stress line, but, if the location is unavoidable, other details of placement will help to counter the negative energy.

Best Bed Position

The best place for the bed in your room is out of the direct line of the doorway but facing where you can see the entry to the room. This is the power position, and it allows you to monitor and control what comes and goes so you are not taken by surprise. The head of the bed should be against the wall - the idea is to set the bed against strong support so don't position it against a window or leave empty space between the headboard and a solid wall. In fact, avoid placing any part of the bed below a window. Windows are openings for active chi and, even when closed, are too "open" to support your energy and allow restful sleep. If the headboard must go against a window in a small room, use a strong, heavy headboard and install blackout curtains to contain and protect your energy as you sleep.

Beams, Angles, Chandeliers

A diagonal bed in a room must have a solid headboard and a remedy, such as a green plant, in the corner to "fill" the empty, weak space. Beds should not be tucked into a corner - whenever possible, keep both sides accessible and leave space on either side. Don't set the bed under a ceiling beam; it cuts your energy and will interfere with peaceful sleep. Paint all overhead beams the same color as the ceiling to make them disappear, or hang a remedy such as a crystal or a pair of bamboo flutes on the beam to reduce its effect. Do not sleep under a chandelier or hanging pendant. You want a ceiling as clear as the sky above you so you can dream undisturbed.

By the Numbers

If your bedroom has an attached bath, keep the door closed at night. Plumbing pipes are notorious for syphoning positive energy and abundance, just as items stored under your bed scatter good energy and block it from reaching you. And give your good luck an extra boost by using your kua number to find your lucky direction. Kua numbers are determined in Chinese by your birth year, according to the lunar calendar. The number will place you in the East group or the West group where you can find the luckiest direction for the crown of your head to face, in order to secure success, money, health, love or wisdom. Balance basic feng shui practice with lucky directions to manage positive chi in the bedroom.
