Feng Shui Mirror Placement In Living Room - The Best Living Room

Feng Shui mirror Placement in living room

Room / July 19, 2016

It’s important to use them properly, though, or you may end up with exactly the opposite result from what you intend.

Here are a few Feng Shui mirror pointers to get you started:

mirror in home interior

Feng Shui Mirror “Do’s”

  1. Do use “whole” mirrors in which you can see yourself in one piece. This gives you a sense of completeness whenever you see yourself. Tiny or tiled mirrors or fragments will cause you to feel “broken up” into pieces over time.
  2. hang mirrors to bring in beautiful views of nature from the outdoors, amplifying them and activating Mother Nature’s healthy Chi energy indoors.
  3. use mirrors where they’ll add light and movement to your space. A large mirror in a long dark hallway, for instance, will draw Chi energy down the hall, helping it circulate throughout your home.
  4. hang a mirror near your entryway, both to activate the Water element there as well as to give you a positive glimpse of yourself on your way out the door.
  5. place a mirror against the wall that defines a missing Bagua area, to visually expand the space and symbolically fill in the missing area.

Feng Shui Mirror Don’ts

  1. Don’t hang mirrors in your bedroom! This is such a big topic that I’ve written separate articles about it. Start reading here about Mirrors in a Feng Shui Bedroom.
  2. hang a mirror so it reflects you within 5 feet of entering your home. This will cause your Chi energy to bounce right back out the door.
  3. hang mirrors with distorted or antiqued surfaces. Over time as you see yourself in them, you will come to feel distorted or prematurely aged yourself — and that’s never good!
  4. hang a mirror too high or too low. It must be at a height where you can perfectly see the yourself and your aura: at least your entire head and shoulders, and those of anyone with whom you share your home.

Source: openspacesfengshui.com