How to Use Feng Shui for Wealth and Good Luck

Feng Shui Money Symbols

Money / January 15, 2017



The Buddha of Rich rewards stands holding a Gold Ingot in the air with both hands. Known to encourage great wealth into your home. The bigger the ingot, the larger the rewards. This is a symbol of rich rewards coming your way.

Stand him in your personal wealth sector of your home facing in, so that he is bringing in the wealth and not taking it out.

To receive the full benefit from this splendid Budha, rub his tummy each day and make a wish for yourself and your family.

Always place Buddhas in a High position.


This auspicious creature named Chachu will attract plenty of wealth into your home. The three-legged Frog with a coin in its mouth attracts good fortune into your home.

Place the frog in any of the corners diagonally opposite your front door for

best effect. At the very least, you should have one frog facing out to collect the money to bring the money into your home and one facing in to keep the money from going out.

Every morning turn him towards the exterior. Turn him towards the interior in the evening to prevent him from becoming exhausted, or, letting your money escape.

Keep you frogs below the table, behind the couch or in other discreet areas of your home. I keep mine on top of my computer at night facing into the room and facing toward the window beside my computer during the day.

The Laughing Buddha is well known symbol of happiness, wealth, kindness and innocent contented joy. It is believed that by rubbing his tummy each day, which is said to contain much wealth, will bring Good Luck and Prosperity.

Buddhas should never be placed on the floor as this is a sign of disrespect. All About Feng Shui recomends that you place your Buddha at least 4' from the floor in an elevated position. Treat him with respect and he will reward you handsomely.

Best direction for him to be placed is our personal wealth direction. Place a figurine of a laughing buddha in your living room and garden.

ebay/sp_fengshui/lotus1150.jpgThe buddha is the most revered deity in the East. Choose an image of him laughing to attract happiness to your home.


The most auspicious place for an etched Globe is in the Northeast direction of your home or office. If you spin the Globe gently three times every day before noon, it will help to encourage the circulation of positive chi'.

Place the etched Globe on your desk and let it help clear your mind to gain new knowledge and to help you pass your academic exams. If you

are in business, place this etched Globe on the Northeast side of your desk to encourage new business associates from around the world.

A globe should be displayed in your study or the children's room too. It is believed to promote educational and academic pursuits. Globes are said to represent achievement of all your ambitions through academic pursuits. Professors, teachers, writers, and those involved in scholarly studies are highly advised to display it on their tables. The effects are double if the table is also part of their library or study.

Feng Shui principles also denote that those looking to further their studies should place the globe in the Northeast secctor of your home or study if possible. This alows the Chi' in the area to be energized. promoting the educational and knowledge properties of the Northeast sector. Twirl the globe towards you three times a day before noon to enhance the luck of each day.


For thousands of years, the elephant has been a symbol of power, wisdom, virility, fidelity, and longevity. This belief is held not by a single culture, but by at least three the Chinese, Africans, and Indians.

bronze-3-wise-men200.jpgWill bring luck and good fortune to any home or office.


Enhance prosperity luck with a wealth ship sailing into your home or office.

Returning home triumphant from its various conquests, the prosperity ship docks into you "harbor" bearing wonderful treasures and other valuables as trophies symbolizing its many victories.

Display the wealth ship sailing into your house from your shen chi

direction. Fill your ship with coins, ingots, crystals andother treasures to symbolize a wealth ship laden with money.

Place metal ships in the northwest or west, wooden ships in the each or southeast, crystal ships in the northeast or southwest.


SMALL PIECE of JADE - Jade is considered a stone of good fortune in China and its green color symbolizes paper money in some countries.

Place it on a kitchen window sill to attract wealth.

8 PIECES OF JADE or 8 CHINESE COINS - Display 8 pieces of jade or 8 Chinese coins in your work area.

Eight is the number of business and financial stability, so it can help you hold onto money or find ways to build slowly and steadily toward your financial goal.

Chinese Coins also symbolize the unity of heaven and earth, which are auspicious for career luck.


To the Chinese, the deer is a very popular symbol associated with speed, endurance and a long life.

The word for deer in Chinese is lu, which sounds similar to another word that means good income and prosperity.

It is thus extremely auspicious to have the image of the deer in

your office and home. Display a figurine or painting of the deer in your workplace to symbolize the wish for the company to prosper and grow, or, place it in your home so that your family will enjoy a long life of ease and growing prosperity.


One of the most potent enhancers of good fortune and when appropriately activated, it becomes an even more powerful attractor of business and prosperity luck.

ebay/sp_fengshui/RoseQuartzPig150a.jpgDisplay this crystal lotus in the center of your store or in the heart of your

home and you will fnd your wealth increasing through extra income, i.e. pay raise, bigger deals, more customers, etc.

Place it in your office in the same manner and you will find yourself closing more deals as it can help you to clear obstacles so that you get the upper hand in business negotiations.

Place your crystal lotus near a window that receives sunshine so that your room will be filled with cascades of rainbows that will bring positive energies and a feeling of tranquility to your home.

If you are seeking a perfect partner, place a Crystal Lotus in your romance area to symbolize a perfect union.

Shop for Lotus in our Store!


The Chinese horse symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, forward momentum and endurance.

It is also said the horse can bring about cures for your business and foster a good reputation. In Feng Shui, the horse, walking or running, re-focus' one's energy onto the path of success or fame. However, it can also bring excessive yang energy, due to it's association with the element of fire, so be sure to balance it with a yin energy symbol.


The 3 Wise Men of Ancient Chinese Lore were high officials of the Gods that bestowed Long Life, Prosperity and Happiness on the Emporers of the different Dynasties.

Possession of the 3 Wise Men is supposed to bestow these gifts onto the owner.

Lu Shin the Legend of rank and affluence seen holding a child, he symbolizes the opportunity for self-betterment. Fu Shinn the star Legend of happiness and wealth, he holds a symbol of wealth and is always in the centre of the three. While Lao Sau the Legend of Health and Longevity seen holding a peach, which blossoms every 3000 years symbolizing immortality. It is considered lucky to wed in the month of the peach tree flowers signifying long marriage.

Fu Lu and Sau should be placed high on a sideboard over looking the dining table to bring the good fortune of always having enough good food to eat and for staying in good health.


Very much like Babe, you'll fall in love with these cute creatures. Highly recommended for that special person when you want to remind them just how cute YOU are.

They will look charming in the corner or on your desk. Place them in the display cabinet and watch guest admire the cutest items that they have probably ever seen.

Culturally pigs are said to symbolize prosperity, being always fed and fat.

The Chinese zodiac refers to them as being a sign of virility, Pigs are also believed to be an excellent gift for someone who may be taking an examination as it forebodes that the person will pass with flying colors.


The Dragon is deemed the luckiest and most sacred figure in Chinese folklore. It reputedly has absolute power and symbolizes honor, power and all that is right.

Dragons enhance fame and career prospects and should be placed near a

door or window in order to guard your wealth and health. They are a very powerful protection cure for your home or office.
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