10, Blessings Feng Shui Blog: Chinese New Year

New Year Feng Shui

Symbols / November 25, 2021

Happy New Year 2017! Are you ready for a new year full of fresh, new energy?

New Year is one of my favorite holidays. It feels quite magical to start a whole new year and plant the seeds for all we want to see happening in the near future.

We know that everything is energy, this is what feng shui is all about, isn't it? So, if everything is energy, that means your home is composed of endless energy fields.

This adds a sense of empowerment and excitement to the process of welcoming a new year with feng shui, don't you think?

Ideally, you want your home to undergo a thorough cleaning and letting go process (clutter clearing), followed by purifying on a deeper energy level often called space clearing. The easiest way to space clear a home is by smudging, burning incense or diffusing essential oils into the air. Space clearing with feng shui helps let go of any low and negative energy residues and brightens your home for better things to come.

For more information on space clearing read these feng shui tips:

Feng shui is all about energy - its flow (or the lack of it) and its reflection in the quality of your life.

Is your space ready to help you attract experiences/people/things you want the most?

In practical terms, good feng shui for the new year means a clean and clutter-free home (including clutter-free closets!).

Good feng shui for the new year also means a home with a sense of beauty to it. In other words, a home that truly feels like home and is ready to celebrate all the good things to come.

Source: www.thespruce.com