Learn About Using Mirror in Feng Shui | Feng Shui Beginner

Mirrors Feng Shui

Symbols / March 16, 2022

Mark shares wise and invaluable insights into the feng shui energetics of mirrors in your home – from specific styles and shapes of good feng shui mirrors to their best placement and even best numbers. Enjoy!

Mirrors are among the most popular traditional feng shui decor items applied as feng shui cures. Once rare and quite expensive, mirrors are now easy to buy in a variety of shapes and sizes. However, one should pay attention to some specific feng shui guidelines in order to avoid overusing (or misusing) mirrors.

As much as they can provide support of good feng shui energy, when improperly used, mirrors can also have negative consequences that affect, among other things, your sleep, your body image, and even your thought patterns. Feng shui has many deep layers, all of them affecting your well-being; these 7 feng shui guidelines will help you understand the deeper effects of the feng shui use of mirrors in your home.

Here are 7 feng shui guidelines to consider when using mirrors.

1. A Clear Self-Image is Good Feng Shui

Your mirror reflects your self-image – literally. How you observe yourself physically in the mirror impacts how you see yourself in your consciousness. As a result, it is important that your mirrors be clean and untarnished. Decoratively-tainted or distressed reflective surfaces can prevent you from seeing yourself clearly by superimposing ‘flaws’ on your reflection.

2. Stand Tall, It’s Good for You

A mirror should be placed high enough to fully reflect the tallest person who will use it (this includes potential partners if you’re single). Mirrors that cut you off at the head level can leave you with headaches or disconnected thoughts. If a mirror is positioned too low, you have to stoop down to see yourself – not a confident posture! – and if a mirror is too narrow, you might think you’re taking up too much space and therefore could lose confidence or develop a negative body image.

It is best to avoid face-only mirrors – ideally, both your full head and torso should be visible (women, in particular, should see their bust reflected). Mirrors that are high enough and wide enough so that you can see yourself without feeling crammed in, will help you envision yourself harmoniously connected to your surroundings. And feng shui is all about being in harmony with your surroundings!

3. Understand the Feng Shui of Decorative Mirrors

Small decorative mirrors – the ones that are too small to reflect your whole face or even your head – are best avoided, as these can leave you feeling “cut up” and can make it challenging to keep things together. When placed horizontally as decorative trays, however, small mirrors can be an excellent feng shui accent, as they duplicate whatever is placed on them. Use them to hold candles, coins, or other decorative items and you will experience more light and glow around your display. Starburst mirrors are also best avoided unless placed so high in a room that they don’t reflect people but rather add light and brilliance to a room.

Source: www.knowfengshui.com