Attract the Energy of Wealth in 8 Steps

Feng Shui to Bring Money

Money / June 2, 2017

Looking to attract a little extra love and money in your life—who am I kidding? Of course you are! Here are some simple Feng Shui steps to achieve that!

Attracting Love:

  1. Put furniture legs on rugs. You should have at least the front legs of all furniture on the rug, not around it—this brings people in to talk. “Furniture should support communication.”
  2. Add doubles to every room. “If you want to start a relationship, don’t surround yourself with single imagery.” Have two chairs instead of one, double up on nightstands—surround yourself with pairs.
  3. Add a splash of pink. Pink is the color of relationships in feng shui, it’s one of the best colors to decorate a bedroom with—doesn’t have to be the whole room, accent colors will do!

Attracting Money:

  1. Keep the kitchen clean. Keep your pantry and refrigerator organized and full of fresh food you actually use. “Your kitchen is directly related to your ability to attract money.”
  2. Don’t use water symbols. Ever heard of the expression, ‘I just can’t get my head above the water?’ It’s best not to display water-based artwork or mirrors higher than your nose, which carries the same significance in feng shui.
  3. Lose clutter, add plants and water. “To bring in more prosperity, it’s important to create a vibrant, healthy, inspiring and clutter-free home.” Clutter leads to procrastination. Add plants and flowers for a vibrant life force. Fountains are important wealth adjustments in feng shui because they stimulate prosperity and energy.
