Front Doors : Printable Coloring Front Door Red Paint 128 Painting

Feng Shui Red front door

Feng Shui Main Door / January 29, 2016

PictureMandala Feng Shui SPACE AS MEDICINE
Year of FIRE Rooster Overview Part 1

The Chinese Calendar is magnificent in its festive Lunar start to the New Year of the Female (Yin) FIRE Rooster on January 28, 2017 and the important detail of the Solar start on February 3, 2017, which is the basis for the start for those born in this 2017 year of Yin FIRE Rooster sign.

For a significant part of the globe, this annual celebration is observed in places as remote as Tibet and cosmopolitan as Tokyo, for many Asian cultures have their own versions of what is largely associated with the Chinese culture but which includes many other Asian cultural variations too.

New Years Day is the absolutely the most important day of the year in, any Asian cultures.Picture Top of the New Years “to do” list is deep cleaning the house, annual ceremonial home space clearings & blessings, annual astrology timing analysis to plan timing, decisions & important occasions, painting the front door, paying off debts, buy new red & gold clothes which are the traditional colors of happiness & prosperity, wearing new clothes on New Years day, presenting crisp new money in Red Envelopes to all the children in the household, and preparing sweet & savory dishes for a New Years feast are just a sampling.

So while most people did not escape 2016’s Male (Yang) FIRE Monkey’s surprisingly raucous business pace and with so many of the twists, turns & surprises that came quite literally, out of the blue, business chi/energy will continue to bring strong benefit in the upcoming 2017 Female (Yin) FIRE Rooster.
A Chinese Proverb says, First Avoid the Negative… then Enhance the Positive'. It is important to know that we all have a say in how we handle the fortunes of every year, and applying the timeless wisdom of Feng Shui is a proven tool for navigating greater success in the ever changing landscape of time. So even if it’s challenging “out there” we have time tested tools to help us, in any year, to reap wealth, health & harmonious relationships. Rooster promises to be equally as hard working as 2016 but perhaps a more highly prosperous year for many IF we mind our business or hold our beaks!
