Understand the Feng Shui Use of Color

Feng Shui North Color

Colors / July 1, 2020

A good feng shui home starts at your front door. Not in the living room, not in the main entry, and not even in the kitchen (where so many people focus their attention when selling or renovating a house). Why is the front door so important? Because it is through the front door - also called the mouth of Chi - that the house absorbs most of the energy it needs in order to nourish your personal energy.

If you are interested in exploring feng shui, you know that you can choose from a variety of tips for any room in your house in order to achieve good feng shui. However, none of them - with the exception of your bedroom - is as important as a good feng shui front door.

The basic way to create a strong feng shui front door is with the harmonious feng shui design; this includes colours, specific shapes, images, and materials. The best feng shui design is the one that nourishes the feng shui element of the direction of your front door.

The feng shui element of North direction is Water, and the corresponding feng shui bagua energy is the energy of Career & Path in Life.

Water feng shui element colours are: Blue and Black.

Metal feng shui element colours are: White and Gray.

So, the best feng shui colours for a North facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): blue, black, white and gray.​

Avoid the following colours for your North facing front door: green, brown, yellow, red, purple, orange, and deep pink. These colours represent the elements of Wood, Earth and Fire that are weakening/destructive for the Water element of North direction (according to the five elements destructive cycle.)

Source: www.thespruce.com