Feng shui meditation room ideas : Comfortable Meditation Room

Feng Shui Meditation room

Room / October 5, 2018

Unique Feng Shui ShopA Feng Shui Meditation and Prayer Space is a dedicated area of your home, set aside as your personal area for

  • Prayers, Meditation and Contemplation
  • Yoga Exercises
  • Reading or studying scriptures and inspirational materials

The size of the space doesn't matter. You can choose a spare room, a nook underneath a staircase, a corner of a room or even a dedicated area within your bedroom.

The point is to find a spot where you can spend time daily to relax your mind, connect with your Source, and develop your spiritual life.

As the world can be a stressful environment, particularly at this time of economic uncertainty, we encourage you to begin a daily practice.

Singing Bowl for Meditation
& Clearing the Mind

Set the energy within your personal Feng Shui meditation sanctuary space with this wonderful Meditation Singing Bowl.

The sounds that are created are unique and both otherworldly and extremely relaxing mentally and physically. This is why singing bowls have been used for centuries in meditational and religious ceremonies to bring people into an altered state of consciousness.

Hand Hammered Tibetan Meditation Singing Bowl 5 Inches

Amazon.com - Feng Shui Products at great prices!

A dedicated area of your home will encourage the habit of spending time regularly alone with your thoughts and prayers.

Create your Personal Feng Shui Meditation
and Prayer Space

  • First, select a space or room where you can retreat for quiet time
  • Remove clutter and clean the area to start with a clean slate
  • Find and place items around the space that appeal to your sense of peace. You can include anything that is personally uplifting, such as pictures or paintings of angels or your favorite spiritual guide
  • Create a comfortable seating spot where you can sit up or recline to meditate, pray or read
  • If there is too much light coming into your Feng Shui Meditation and Prayer space, you might consider making or purchasing a sleep mask to cover your eyes
  • A small CD player can be included for playing soothing music
  • The sense of smell is connected to emotions. We burn a stick of rose incense every morning as a blessing to our home.

    The latest addition to our meditation space is an essential oils diffuser that purifies air within the area and permeates uplifting energy throughout our home

  • To initiate your personal Feng Meditation and Prayer sanctuary, consider performing a space clearing ceremony to clear the area of any negativity and dedicate it to your new daily practice

When you bring yourself to a place of peace and harmony through time spent in your Feng Shui Meditation and Prayer space, everyone around you benefits from your renewed state of mind.

The Knowledge & Self-Cultivation Gua on the Feng Shui Bagua Map is the Gua that is related to self-awareness and spiritual growth. If you can place your meditation space within Self-Knowledge Gua of your home, office or room, all the better!

Secrets of Meditation

“Secrets of Meditation, Energy and Manifestation” is a comprehensive introduction to meditation, breathing, energy work and manifestation. It’s ideal for anyone with an interest in meditation, self-growth and personal development as well as anyone suffering from stress, anxiety or depression.
Secret of Meditation
Click here for your Free e-book

Meditation with Ken Roman
Great for beginning Meditation

Silence, Information and Transformation

Our friend, Ken Roman, has just released a new meditation CD, and it's especially good for those desiring stress relief or want to start a daily meditation practice.

Source: www.feng-shui-vibes.com