Living room Feng Shui Sofa Placement Feng Shui Room Feng Shui

Feng Shui Furniture Arrangement living room

Room / August 6, 2019

width="310"Basic Guidelines

  1. The living room should be regular in shape.
  2. The living room should be neither too small nor too big. It must have enough room to allow the energy move around.
  3. It should be located in the outer half of the house.
  4. Hang a large family portrait to enhance the importance of the family members.
  5. The living room must not be higher than the dining room.
  6. Do not have a mirror reflecting the main door.
  7. Avoid poison arrows or protruding corners in the living room.
  8. Keep the living room well lit, best achieved with a crystal chandelier.
  9. Do not place furniture under exposed beams.
  10. Do not display pictures of fierce or aggressive animals in the living room.
  11. Enhance the elements of the each corner using element energizers.
  12. Avoid exposed shelves in the living room, as this can send out killing energy.

Auspicious Furniture Arrangements

  1. Activate The 4 Celestial Animals
  • Place the main sofa (3 or 4 seater) against a solid wall to represent the Black Tortoise. On the right of the main sofa, place a one-seater to simulate the White Tiger. Place a 2-seater on the left side to represent the Green Dragon. Place a coffee table in front to symbolize the Phoenix. This arrangement will attract good fortune and creates protective luck for the family.
  • Use a Solid Wall as Backing for Support Luck
  • Place the largest sofa against a solid wall if possible, to signify solid support.
  • The secondary sofa can have windows behind them.
  • Have a Balanced Door:Window Ratio
  • It is best not to have 2 doors or more in the living room. If so, it is advisable to close some of them. As for windows, the ratio of window to doors should not exceed 3:1. Use curtains to hide the presence of windows if there are too many. (Transparent sliding doors to reveal the view of the garden do not count as windows.)
