Living Room Feng Shui Ideas, Tips And Decorating Inspirations

Feng Shui Art for living room

Room / July 1, 2018

Living-Area-with-Perfect-Painting-Horse-Wall-1024x675Clutter. Violence. Loneliness.

Three things that Feng Shui says is an absolute No-No when it comes to decorating a space. A work of art highlighting these elements may be unnaturally beautiful or bear the mark of a great artist, but to secure your happiness and the flow of positive energy in a space, you should avoid putting up works which exude any negative energy.

An ideal feng shui space is not the picture perfect abode of Zen that we have falsely come to imagine. Instead it refers to a space that has the best feng shui energy to support a specific activity intended for that space. In order to maximise on the flow of positive energy, putting up the right kind of Art is more important than you think!

This week Artsome brings you some Do’s and Don’t’s of decorating your walls with Art.

il_fullxfull.369195150_8xrb1. Choose art according to the Feng shui energy you need, such as soothing and sensual in the bedroom, or active and vibrant in the living room or office. This can be done by referring to the Feng Shui Bagua or ‘pakua’ which is essentially a map indicating areas of your home or office space and the aspects that they correspond to.

2. Keep a balance between artwork and empty space.

3. The Northern wall of the room corresponds to career and success. Choose a picture with water elements to improve this area of your life. Water elements include pictures of oceans, fountains, waterfalls, and even fish.

4. The West wall of the room corresponds to creativity.6cfc0257864c31f3d17dbc3058c45a21 For art lovers, hanging pictures representative of the following avant-garde movements: cubism, abstract expressionism, or Dadaism is perfect as the very essence of the avant-garde movement is pushing the boundaries of normalcy to unleash the immeasurable creativity of the mind.

5. The East wall is a place for hanging pictures that suggest the vitality of nature, as this is a symbol for health and life. In order to enhance the positive effect of nature, it is advised to use the east wall for family portraits that depict happiness and joy or wedding pictures.

6. The wall that directly faces your bed needs to have pictures that inspire you, motivational quotes or images and symbols that make you feel more confident in your abilities.

1. Steer clear of dark pictures or paintings that suggest anxiety, sadness, or hopelessness.

2. Clutter in feng shui is defined as items that you have not used for a long time, and do not actually need. Even if you arrange these items neatly, the energy created by clutter blocks the feng shui energy Instead of a scattered array of paintings, hanging a single large artwork is advisable.

3. After a long hard day, your bedroom is the place where you can totally unwind. In that room, avoid artworks showing violence, blood, war, etc. Being the main place for relaxation, any items with strong aggression or violent energy in the bedroom will weaken or even completely negate the feng shui energy needed for healing.

4. The East wall of the bedroom corresponds to health and family. This wall should not be empty because poor health and weak family relationships can have a harmful impact on all aspects of your life.

5. It is best to limit the presence of the feng shui element of water in bedrooms by avoiding big mirrors, a predominant blue color scheme, representation of a strong body of water or an actual water feature. But this doesn’t mean removing it entirely – at the end of the day feng shui says to go with your gut.

6. The pieces of art you choose should be mixed harmoniously so that the overall balance of the five elements earth, water, fire, wood and metal is not disturbed.

lonliness contemporary-hall nyc_1_01 Empty room with brick wall
